Saturday, January 23, 2010

First Post: Intent and Goals

January 23, 2010 begins my life as a political blogger ( or at least a wannabe political commentator).

The purpose of the blog is to bring out the following...

1) My opinion.
2) News that does not get mentioned much on Mainstream Media ( MSM).
3) To get your opinion on my opinion and the opinions of others.

I'm hoping for the best with this. While reading this blog you will know my biases on the issues. However your opinions do matter in this forum and I will do my best to reply with respectful comment as long as you give a respectful one to me or the people who take part in it as well.

Unless you want us to return to the early 19th century where political rivalries were negotiated over duels...I warn you now...I will win.

Well that's the intro. Hoping to see you on the next post.

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